
Cell-Cup Veszprém
International Handball Festival

CELL-CUP: 13-19. 08. 2025.


Can I add more team members after the registration? If yes, what is the deadline?

Yes, it is possible to add more team members after the registration. The deadline is 31. 07. 2024.

How can I register to the festival?

You can register online, using our online formula. Just click Register in the right side of the menu bar.

If I registered as a referee, how will I know that I have been selected and I can participate the festival?

Until when should I pay the fees?

Teams need to transfer 25% of the participation fee (costs of accommodation and boarding) along with the entire amount of the entry fee as pre-payment by no later than 24th June 2024.
The outstanding amount of the participation fee (plus the costs of any additionally ordered optional services) has to arrive to our bank-account by no later than 10 th August 2024, or to be paid on arrival at the time of registration in cash.

What is the registration deadline?

24. 06. 2024.
Until 01. 07. 2024. all teams will get a confirmation about their registration.

When and where will I get the match schedules?

Teams staying in Hostel Magister shall register and receive the information package in the Hostel (8200 Veszprém, József Attila utca 34/2.). Check-in time: from 14.00. Boarding starts with dinner.

Teams staying in other accommodations or teams who didn't require accommodation can do the registration and receive the information package in the Competition Office in Hostel "B" - University Hostel (8200 Veszprém, Egyetem út 12.). Check-in time: 14.00. Boarding starts with dinner.

Where should I go if I have medical issues?

Organizers will release a booklet, which will contain the necessery informations about pharmacies, general practitioners, child's doctors, clinics etc.
In addition you can ask for help:
- At the reception of each accomodation.
- At the Tournament office.
- During matches, at the sports halls from the sport hall supervisors (at the desk) and from the Medical staff, provided by Cell-Cup at each sports hall.

Who can I contact if I need any help?

If you already registered, and you have a mentor, please contact him/her first.
In addition, you can get in touch with us using the contact addresses, which you can find under the Contact menu.


For all kind of information:

1.: Using our General information phone number, which you will find in the Programbook.
2.: Tournament Office

For specific information (i.e. medical help, beach bus, programs, VIP programs, match information etc.):
You will find more phone numbers in the Programbook, and they also will be available on our website.

Why is the Technical meeting obligatory?

Important information and documentations will be provided there.


How can I participate the festival if I am a fan, parent or accompanion?

You can register using the proper registration form, using the Registration menu.
For additional information about accommodations, Cell-Cup Cards, programs etc. please visit our website.


*All teams should organise their travel to Veszprém. Upon the need, organizers will provide transfer from and to airports or train stations which is subject to fees. If you need transfer, please get in touch with us in time.

*During the tournament Cell-Cup will provide transportation inside Veszprém, and between Veszprém and the neighbouring cities' sports halls. Cell-Cup buses can be used with Cell-Cup Gold Card only, and only for traveling to the matches and back. You mustn't use these buses for sight seeing, to go cheering or to go to the beach. (Buses for beach transport can be reserved. See on our website.)

How do I get to Veszprém, from Liszt Ferenc Airport (Budapest)?

You can order a Cell-Cup shuttle from the airport to Veszprém. In this case, the bus will take you to registration, and then to your accommodation. For more information please get in touch with us.
Or you can use public transport:
- Budapest Public Transport Company: http://www.bkk.hu/en/main-page/news/
- Train: https://www.mavcsoport.hu/en
- Bus: https://menetrendek.hu/ and http://www.volanbusz.hu/en

Where can I find the Torunament Office?

During any other day of the tournament: Hostel Magiszter ( 8200,Veszprém, József Attila u. 34/2,).

Which sports halls will be used?

We have sports halls inside Veszprém, and also in other cities/towns, around Veszprém! Please always take care about choosing the right transportation at the right time!


Veszprém Aréna sports hall (8200.Veszprém, Külső-kádártai út Hrsz.: 0213/85,)/ARE/
Stadion sports hall (8200 Veszprém, Wartha Vince utca3.) /STA/
Noszlopy Gáspár Secondary School sports hall (8200 Veszprém Tüzér utca 42) /NOS/

Éles Sporthall (8200 Veszprém, Házgyári út 22./ÉKI/ 
